

2020-01-24 16:07:37  阅读:5467+

初为人师的美国妞 20

初为人师的美国妞,今日这篇教育随记的主题词是:Happy birthday。所以,不需阅览,我们都可以猜到:要么是教师给孩子们过生日,要么便是孩子们给教师们过生日吧。其实,不论谁给谁过生日,这都不重要。重要的是:为什么?为什么我们教师要给孩子们过生日?为什么孩子们要帮教师过生日?其实,道理应该很简略。便是一个“爱”。





那天是工作日。照旧拿着讲义、拎着电脑走进讲堂。通过教室长廊,发现往常摆开的窗布悉数关上了。轻轻地推开门,教室里漆黑一片。模糊在后门的窗边,弱小的窗布缝透出少许的光。一个女孩儿在光影中怀抱着一把吉他轻轻地哼唱着You're my sunshine. 跟着这首歌的渐渐完毕,窗布缓缓摆开,灯火渐渐点亮,全班同学在吉他的配乐下一起唱响了生日歌。就在那一刻,就在那一瞬间,不争气的眼,静静地淌出了泪。心胸感谢的一起,更多地是告知自己:一定要愈加百倍地去好好地爱着这些孩子们!

或许是根据相同的原因吧,绝大多数的教师或许和我相同,不告知孩子们我们自己的生日,所以,孩子们就会特别地爱惜Teacher's Day. 回忆中是无法忘掉那一年教师节收到的贺卡的。那,不是一张一般的贺卡,而是一组系列的诗配画。捧读着卡片,心里涌起的是美好,是激烈的职责和自我重复的叮嘱:好好爱惜,高兴前行。


In the life of a first-grader, holidays are important, but nothing beats his or her own birthday. Three to five months beforehand, I hear about my students planning specific parties, asking for certain gifts and listing the restaurants they hope to have dinner at. However, I did not think my students would be overly excited about my own birthday. Boy, was I wrong!

I had not told my students that my birthday was this week (on Friday). Sure, I was excited about it, but I did not come out and say "Hey! I'm going to be 24!" When the day arrived, however, my co-worker had her students come in and sing "Happy Birthday" to me, while holding cupcakes that spelled out "Happy Birthday Miss Z." That's all it took for my students to show the same excitement for my birthday that they show for their own.

I was suddenly being asked what my favorite colors and animals were, as well as those of my twin sister. During the periods of free time between the morning lessons, I could see them discreetly pulling paper out of their desks. Being that I am always monitoring the classroom, I quickly figured out that they were trying to make cards. It touched me to see them trying so hard not to have me see what they were doing, so later it could be a surprise. Before I left for lunch, I was asked even more questions about my likes and dislikes.

After returning from lunch, I received numerous cards from my students. There were also cards for my twin, because "it's her birthday too and she can't be left out." They were so excited about my birthday, they wanted to celebrate it with me. They insisted that we sing "Happy Birthday" and then we ate the cupcakes that my co-worker had made for us. When I returned to school after the weekend, I also received birthday gifts that thestudents had purchased and/or made over the weekend. This birthday was even more special than I had anticipated. Because I allowed myself to be caught up in my students' excitement, I enjoyed every moment of my special day. Children never take any celebration for granted, and now I realize neither should I!
